cli tools
pg_dump: save database
pg_dump -Fc ${db_name} > ${dump_name}.dmp
dropdb : drop database
dropdb -U <user> ${db_name}
createdb : create database
createdb -u <user> ${db_name}
pg_restore : restore database
pg_restore -d ${db_name} ${dump_name}.dmp
duplicate database
$ su - $ su - postgres // connect as postgre user $ psql // conect to database ~=> CREATE DATABASE ${db_name2} WITH TEMPLATE ${db_name1} OWNER rcv;
- connect to database
psql -U ${user} ${db_name}
- display result in page mode
\pset pager on
- change database
\c <other_db>
Database informations
- sessions connected to database
select * from pg_stat_activity;
- get information about database
select table_name, column_name from information_schema.columns where column_name like '%xxx%' order by table_name, column_name;
- display enumeration type
select n.nspname as enum_schema, t.typname as enum_name, e.enumlabel as enum_value from pg_type t join pg_enum e on t.oid = e.enumtypid join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = t.typnamespace where t.typname = ${type};
SQL language
alter table
add a column
ALTER TABLE personne ADD COLUMN parent_id INTEGER REFERENCES personne(id);
COMMENT ON TABLE personne IS 'gestion des personnes'; COMMENT ON COLUMN personne.date_naissance IS 'date de naissance';
Postgresql / JSON : sheet cheat
Merci à Hackernoon.
- Select items by the value of a first level attribute (#1 way)
SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata @> '{"country": "Peru"}';
- Select items by the value of a first level attribute (#2 way)
SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata->>'country' = 'Peru';
- Select item attribute value
SELECT metadata->>'country' FROM users;
- Select only items where a particular attribute is present
SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata->>'country' IS NOT NULL;
- Select items by the value of a nested attribute
SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata->'company'->>'name' = "Mozilla"; SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata @> '{"company":{"name": "Mozilla"}}';
- Select items by the value of an attribute in an array
SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata @> '{"companies": ["Mozilla"]}';
- IN operator on attributes
SELECT * FROM users WHERE metadata->>'countries' IN ('Chad', 'Japan');
- Insert a whole object
UPDATE users SET metadata = '{"country": "India"}';
- Update or insert an attribute
UPDATE users SET metadata = metadata || '{"country": "Egypt"}';
- Removing an attribute
UPDATE users SET metadata = metadata - 'country';